
the Awesome OH

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  • آخر تحديث : 06-07-2016

I decided in this project to reproduce the amazing character OH from the movie HOME. I w anted to have him modeled with a n ice rig system that will allow me to pose it and animate however I l ike . To start, it was necessary to gather some references from the internet about the OH used in the real movie, his shape, form, clothes and try then to study his personnality deeply in order to create the most f lexible animation controls. I started the modeling process within 3ds Max using basic shapes, at the same time taking into account the original shape and form of OH. When the initial model was completed, I t ransfered it to Zbrush to sculpt it in a much f luid way and give the correct proportions. Back into 3ds Max. I took the model and make sure to check the topology of the model, as it is very important to have a good topology when dealing with animation. After the modeling process is done, the most crucial process has came , which is creating the suitable rig for this kind of characters. I t ried to keep it simple but efficient at the same time. I have introduced the very robuste animation tools and functions contained within 3ds Max which I u sed to establish the connections that gave the rig system its efficiency that I w as looking for. I added more facial expression controls after to enhance the overall rig system. Ultimately, as the rig was completed, I had to do some cleaning up work to keep the scene organized. The only thing left to do then is to try some of the poses I had in mind and which was a very funny process to do, just playing with the controls and get some fantastic feedback instantly.

  • the Awesome OH
  • the Awesome OH
  • the Awesome OH
  • the Awesome OH

اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .

Anass Casablanca, Morocco
  • تواصل

  • Poster Design ( 3D Training)
  • Logo Design Pack Version 02
  • Logo Design Pack Version 01
  • Koda (Logo Design)
  • Pegasus Travels (Logo Design)
  • Sanabil Mills (Logo Design)