3arabeyat is a series of posters about Egyptian Cinema. I grew up watching black and white foreign movies. During my university studies I discovered that I love Egyptian old movies, actresses and actors. I used to sit and watch and ask my grandmother,whose mother is an Arab Egyptian, about the name of each actor and actress.This is my way of paying homage to that period and to my grandmother. The smaller space of color that blends with the facial texture of each actress reflects how I feel about each actress within the larger space. Once I finish the remaining posters I will re-work the imagery for collage on mixed media. Not sure if the approach or the look is spot on but I am working on improving it before actually exhibiting any of these posters. Some of these posters were featured in Kalimat Magazine as a photo essay: [Hidden]
اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .