
Black and White shows the reality and the suffering and it is direct and delivers the meaning straight to the viewers.

  • This roman lady is a model of some women who bows to the reality ,to culture  and give up upon her dreams.
    This roman lady is a model of some women who bows to the reality ,to culture and give up upon her dreams.
This photo reflects on child labor and the child suffering.
    This photo reflects on child labor and the child suffering.
  • This photo the rings represents the history of kings and Sultans and their injustice.
    This photo the rings represents the history of kings and Sultans and their injustice.
  • This photo represents: Today's moment are tomorrow's memories in a photograph.
    This photo represents: Today's moment are tomorrow's memories in a photograph.
  • This photo represent: Pin your dreams on anything, maybe on a dart. Then challenge yourself and believe in yourself. Or you'll end up in the dark with regret!
    This photo represent: Pin your dreams on anything, maybe on a dart. Then challenge yourself and believe in yourself. Or you'll end up in the dark with regret!

اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .

Mira Other, Lebanon
  • تواصل

  • Stories of Arab pioneer Women
  • Blood Donation Poster Design
  • Women Torture and Desire
  • Kuffieh Typography
  • Taxi Driver Stories in a Book
  • Light in the dark