
1001 Arabian Nights ( The Ebony Horse )

  • 1599
  • 20
  • 16
  • آخر تحديث : 20-09-2015

Copyright © Noha El-Gendi 2014 All rights reserved. All images may not be used, copied, downloaded, stored, reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical. This includes: photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright holder.

  • Shahryar feels depressed about betrayal.
    Shahryar feels depressed about betrayal.
  • Al-Wazir feels sorry for his daughter Shahrazad .
    Al-Wazir feels sorry for his daughter Shahrazad .
  • Shahrazad is saying farewell to her sister before being executed, and seizes the chance to tell her a one last story.
    Shahrazad is saying farewell to her sister before being executed, and seizes the chance to tell her a one last story.
  • The kind persian king Sabut.
    The kind persian king Sabut.
  • The king's first daughter with her wise husband and his golden gift.
    The king's first daughter with her wise husband and his golden gift.
  • The king's second daughter with her wise husband and his silver peacock gift.
    The king's second daughter with her wise husband and his silver peacock gift.
  • King Sabut looks carefully at the ugly wise man and his gift ( the Ebony Horse ) to the bride.. the third daughter.
    King Sabut looks carefully at the ugly wise man and his gift ( the Ebony Horse ) to the bride.. the third daughter.
  • The king orders the ugly wise man to show price Kamar Al-Akmar how to ride the ebony horse.
    The king orders the ugly wise man to show price Kamar Al-Akmar how to ride the ebony horse.
  • Prince Kamar wandering over many lands and kingdoms, and decides to land on a huge beautiful palace.
    Prince Kamar wandering over many lands and kingdoms, and decides to land on a huge beautiful palace.
  • Prince Kamar sees the beautiful princess Shams behind curtains.
    Prince Kamar sees the beautiful princess Shams behind curtains.
  • Prince Kamar defeats a guard, and princess Shams is amazed.
    Prince Kamar defeats a guard, and princess Shams is amazed.
  • They fell in love with each other, and her father ( the king ) becomes so angry.
    They fell in love with each other, and her father ( the king ) becomes so angry.
  • Prince kamar decides to take princess Shams and run away to his home land.
    Prince kamar decides to take princess Shams and run away to his home land.
  • Zoom in 1
    Zoom in 1
  • Zoom in 2
    Zoom in 2
  • When they arrive back home, the ugly wise man kidnaps princess Shams and takes her off to the land of the Greeks.
    When they arrive back home, the ugly wise man kidnaps princess Shams and takes her off to the land of the Greeks.
  • He has got imprisoned  under the orders of the king of Greece, and princess Shams has been transferred to the king's palace.
    He has got imprisoned under the orders of the king of Greece, and princess Shams has been transferred to the king's palace.
  • Prince Kamar travels to his princess and calms her down.
    Prince Kamar travels to his princess and calms her down.
  • Finally prince Kamar rescues his princess and fly away back to home.
    Finally prince Kamar rescues his princess and fly away back to home.
  • When Shahrazad ends the story, King Shahryar cries for the executioner to come.
Shahrazad requests the king to spare her head until she tells him the next story.
    When Shahrazad ends the story, King Shahryar cries for the executioner to come. Shahrazad requests the king to spare her head until she tells him the next story.
  • Esraa


    تاريخ الإضافةـ 20-09-2015

    شغلك جميل جدا ماشاءالله

    • Noha


      تاريخ الإضافةـ 20-09-2015

      شكرا يا اسراء جدا :) ده من ذوقك ربنا يكرمك

  • Omar


    تاريخ الإضافةـ 19-03-2015


    • Noha


      تاريخ الإضافةـ 19-03-2015

      شكرا جدا :)

  • Weaam


    تاريخ الإضافةـ 22-02-2015

    Gud job , very nice

    • Noha


      تاريخ الإضافةـ 25-02-2015

      Thanks a lot Weaam :)

  • Sianid


    تاريخ الإضافةـ 26-08-2014


    • Noha


      تاريخ الإضافةـ 26-08-2014

      Thanks :)

  • Abderahamn


    تاريخ الإضافةـ 24-05-2014


    • Noha


      تاريخ الإضافةـ 24-05-2014

      شكرا يا عبد الرحمن جدا :)

  • Mariam


    تاريخ الإضافةـ 15-05-2014

    الله ينور جميله جدا

    • Noha


      تاريخ الإضافةـ 15-05-2014

      متشكرة يا مريم جدا :)

  • Issa


    تاريخ الإضافةـ 12-05-2014

    awesome drawings :D

    • Noha


      تاريخ الإضافةـ 12-05-2014

      Thanks Issa :D

  • نور


    تاريخ الإضافةـ 11-05-2014

    Very nice work!

    • Noha


      تاريخ الإضافةـ 11-05-2014

      Thanks Nour :)

اشترك معنا أو قم بـ تسجيل الدخول لكي تستطيع التعليق .

Noha Cairo, Egypt
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